Can A Yeast Infection During Pregnancy Hurt The Baby?

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Yeast infections are common for women during pregnancy,especially during the second trimester of pregnancy. Common and a normal symptom in the second trimester is an increase in the amount of thin, white, odd smelling discharge. Even though yeast infections have no major negative effects on pregnancy, issue of discomfort is  prominent.

What is a yeast infection?

When the normal levels of acid and yeast in the vagina are out of balance, it allows the yeast to overgrow causing an uncomfortable, less complicated condition called yeast infection. Anyway consulting a physician and seeking help can help to overcome the discomfort caused.

Causes of yeast infections during pregnancy

A yeast infection can be caused by one or more of the following:

  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy or before
  • Due to birth control pills
  • In take of antibiotics or steroids
  • High blood sugar
  • Vaginal intercourse
  • Douching
  • Blood or semen


Why are yeast infections more common during pregnancy?

The chemical changes that happens during pregnancy, mainly in the vaginal environment due to increase in the amount of sugar in the vaginal secretions causes an imbalance resulting in too much fungus and eventually yeast infection.

Symptoms of yeast infections

The symptoms of a yeast infection include one or more of the following:

  • Discharge that is usually white that smell odd
  • Greenish or yellowish discharge, with odd smell
  • Copious amounts of discharge
  • Redness and itching on the lips of the vagina
  • Burning sensation during urination or intercourse

If one had similar symptoms of that of a yeast infection, and if not a yeast infection, then there are chances for the following diseases.

  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) like Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, & Trichomoniasis
  • A vaginal infection called bacterial vaginosis

How to confirm a yeast infection?

Either by examining the vaginal secretions through a microscope or by simple examination of the vagina, a physician can diagnose a yeast infection.

How are yeast infections treated during pregnancy?

The oral medication, Diflucan is not considered to be safe during pregnancy and lactation period, therefore physicians recommend only vaginal creams and suppositories to treat yeast infection. If left untreated, yeast infections may pass to the baby’s mouth during delivery which is referred to as “thrush” and it can be effectively treated with Nystatin. It may take about 10-14 days to find a complete relief and it is advised to use a starch-free drying powder in order to prevent a recurring infection.


How to prevent a yeast infection or recurring yeast infections?

Normally yeast infections can be avoided by considering the following points:

  • Use cotton, loose, breathable clothing and especially cotton underwear.
  • After regular, thorough washing always remember to dry your genital area.
  • Always wipe from front to back after using the restroom.
  • Shower immediately after you swim.
  • Don’t use sanitary pads, feminine hygiene sprays and tampons that contain deodorant, bubble bath, colored or perfumed toilet paper
  • Include yogurt in the diet.
  • Limit the sugar intake, since sugar promotes the growth of yeast.
  • Get plenty of rest to help the body to fight against infections.

When to contact a doctor?

If you experience these similar symptoms, consult a doctor immediately to avoid other infections like STD’s. Proper diagnosis during proper time is considered to be effective to avoid other complications. If no improvement happen within three days, or if the condition get worse or if infection came back after treatment, contact your health provider again and take appropriate measures.