Pregnancy can be regarded as the waiting period as it paves way for the growth of one or more offspring’s inside a woman. Numerous physical and hormonal changes takes place during pregnancy and the way one nourish their body during this time will affect the health of both mother and the baby. "Eating for two" is necessary but it doesn't mean eating twice as much. Instead it means that the foods one eat which contain protein, iron, calcium, and folic acid are the main source of nutrients for thei...
It’s no longer a dream to have a baby of your own. Today there are viable options available for the couple that give them the chance to have a child they deserve so much. One such option that gains importance nowadays is surrogacy or simply a surrogate mother. Surrogacy can be simply treated as an agreement whereby a woman agrees to carry the pregnancy for another person or persons, when either pregnancy is medically impossible for them or if pregnancy risks present an unacceptable ...
Water birth happens in your own home, in a comfortable water tub. Though there is a sense of anticipation, you can settle deeper into the pool and relax. It is like a dream come true for many women who opt for the water birth. Water provides a relaxing effect, and it gives support and warmth. It helps women through their labour. When women get tensed or anxious, their contractions may lose their rhythm. This might stop and...
Regardless of how you birthed, or how you plan to birth, if you believe that every pregnant person should have access to vaginal birth after cesarian, you’re in the right place! What is a VBAC? VBAC is a vaginal birth after a caesarian. It means having your baby vaginally when you've had at least one baby by caesarian section, also called a c-section. The success rate for VBAC is very good as long as you're tested to be the right patient for a vaginal birth after a ce...
Sometimes your doctor might decide that it’s best to induce labour rather than natural childbirth. What does it mean to induce labour? When the labour doesn't start on its own, it needs to be induced, and so the doctor gives you medication and uses other techniques for the same. The doctor uses the same methods to speed up or increase your labour if it stops progressing for some reason. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 1 in 5 births in the United States are induced. ...
It is the most powerful creation to have life growing inside of you.There is no bigger gift