When you are expecting, you will have many doubts regarding the pregnancy and the developments of your baby. What are the pregnancy life changes in week two? Discover what changes are going on in your body and how to perceive the baby. When you are two weeks pregnant, you will not actually feel that you are pregnant, since you won't find any drastic changes in your body. However, your bo...
The ball of cells begins the six-day journey from the fallopian tube to the uterus. So what exactly happens to your baby in week three? A blastocyst is a technical term given by the scientists to denote the ball of cells which is formed by the joining your partner's sperm and your egg at the moment of conception. It will now start its six-day journey from the fallopian tube to the uterus from there it will get attach itself to the wall of the womb, and in nine...
When you have begun with week four, the brain and central nervous system of your baby will start to take shape. Your baby is growing. But it is not even 3m in length and is not as bigger than a poppy seed. Even though it is tiny in size, there are plenty of things going on as the embryo divides into three different sections. In one of the sections, the brain and central nervous s...
What will happen in week five?The heart of your baby will start beating soon!! Amazing isn't it? When you are almost five weeks pregnant, you must be having some symptoms of the pregnancy. Do you know how much your little one has grown? Your baby will be rocking an apple pip vibe. But this again is not for so long. At five weeks gestation, they will be about 5mm long, and thei...
Now you are in week six and how is the development of the little one going? By six weeks, all your baby's other vital organs will be in place. The baby inside you grows really fast, and the developments continue big time with the sixth week. Have you seen a tiny poppy seed? Your growing baby's heart will now be the size of that of a tiny little poppy seed. The heart is developing ...
It is the most powerful creation to have life growing inside of you.There is no bigger gift