Can You Get Pregnant After Having A Miscarriage?

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After a miscarriage, even though it is natural to have the desire to become pregnant, it is necessary to make sure that you are physically and emotionally ready.

When to attempt for another pregnancy?

Even though there is no perfect amount of time to wait before trying to conceive again, healthcare providers encourage woman to wait at least a few months to strengthen the chance of a healthy pregnancy. She may be subjected to an increased risk of repeated miscarriage, once her body isn’t ready to support a pregnancy again. Therefore it is apt to give time for the uterus to recover and for the endometrial lining to become strong and healthy and to get prepared for the next pregnancy.

Medically, it is considered safe to conceive after two or three normal menstrual periods if the tests or treatments for the cause of the miscarriage are not being done.

What are the chances of having another miscarriage?

Studies reveal that at least 85% of women who have had one loss will go on to have a successful pregnancy in future, and the chance will be 75% for those who have experienced two or three losses.

When should a specialist be consulted before attempting to conceive again?

Consult an appropriate specialist in maternal-fetal medicine, genetics, or reproductive endocrinology who can help you have the best treatment to increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

You may seek help if you:

  • Have had two or more miscarriages
  • Are over age 35
  • Have experienced fertility issues
  • Have an illness that may affect your pregnancy such as diabetes.

How do we decide when to try again?

Deciding when to try again is a decision only couple can make. Even though another pregnancy won’t replace the lost pregnancy, it may help you to refocus your attention. And always make sure that you treat all the complications with your miscarriage and to discuss the plans with your health care provider first.

How to handle the next pregnancy?

Your next pregnancy might not provide a joyful experience as before as you’ve learned that life doesn’t always go according to your plans.

The following are recommendations to make this time a little easier:

  • It is necessary to get your pregnancy monitored carefully.
  • Try to avoid early preparation for the baby’s arrival.
  • Try to listen to suggestions, and then do whatever you, your partner, and medical team feel is best.
  • Your birth experience might be bittersweet and you may need to do some grieving in addition to celebrating your new baby.
  • Your past loss may influence your parenting, and panic might occur, especially when the new baby is ill, or too quiet.
  • You may feel the need to protect yourself from more sorrow so you might be cautious bonding with your new baby until you’re certain he or she is safe and healthy.
  • Get help from possible support groups or counselors who could help you through this difficult time.